The Optus D2 satellite, located at 152°E, will be decommissioned at the end of March 2023. As a result, the Arabic, Romanian, and Hungarian services have been moved to the Intelsat19 satellite at 166°E.
Most of the religious TV services that were available on Optus D2 will be moved to Intelsat 19 at 166°E and/or VAST on Optus D3/10 at 156°E. While these services will remain free-to-air (FTA) on Intelsat 19, they will require a VAST Certified Satellite Receiver and smartcard to view on VAST.
Please note that there are some exceptions to this. Hope TV will only be available on VAST, while Daystar TV, EWTN, and Supreme Master will only be available on Intelsat19.